My Employee Slipped on the Floor, Now What Do I Do?

You did everything you could. You showed your employees the training video. You put up warning signs (or at least told someone to do it.) You did everything OSHA told you to do. But it happened anyway. An employee slipped up on the job and got hurt. Fortunately, you did the smart thing and took out a commercial insurance policy. Now what? 

See To Everyone’s Safety

First things first. Check on your employee immediately. If it’s an emergency, call 911. A small injury can be treated with a bit of first aid. You would be wise to keep a first aid kit on the premises. You may also have to contact OSHA. If it is severe enough to require hospitalization, you have 24 hours to contact OSHA. You’ll have to make sure none of your other employees can get hurt by having them move somewhere safer.

What To Do Now

Once everyone is safe, you need to review the situation to see what caused it and whether you should file an injury claim. Document the injury with photos and witness testimony. Keep communication open and honest. Your employee might file a worker’s compensation claim if the injury requires medical treatment or time away from work. Commercial insurance will help you make worker’s compensation payments. Once you’ve done everything you need to do for OSHA, you can contact your insurance provider to walk you through what you need to do next. You may be asked for the aforementioned documentation of the injury. 

Contact Griffith Insurance LLP Serving West Chester, PA

If you are in the West Chester, PA area and are in need of commercial insurance, please get in touch with Griffith Insurance LLP. Our knowledgeable and courteous agents are ready to help you.

Common Causes of Home Damage (& How to Prevent Them)

Damage to your home can be catastrophic. Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA offers homeowners insurance to provide peace of mind and financial protection, but some items that hold sentimental value can never be replaced. Here, we share the most common causes of damage to your home and the steps you can take to prevent loss. 

#1 Wind and Hail

Wind and hail can cause significant damage to your property, interrupting your life while you await repairs. You can’t control the weather, but you can protect yourself. Secure outdoor furniture and yard decor. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are secured and in good condition. Check the caulking around your doors and windows for breakdown and replace when needed. 

#2 Fire

Fire can be especially tragic, destroying sentimental items in the best cases and loss of life in the worst cases. Although fire is perhaps the most devastating loss a homeowner can face, it’s also preventable. 

To reduce your probability of experiencing a house fire, 

  • install smoke alarms on each floor of your home
  • replace batteries every six months
  • replace smoke alarms every ten years
  • keep flammable items and substances away from sources of heat

#3 Water Damage

Frozen pipes, broken pipes, or unnoticed leaks can cause water damage. There’s nothing you can do to guarantee you never suffer water damage, but you can take steps to reduce your risk. Please cover your outside faucets, winterize your home before the first freeze each year, and fix leaks as soon as you notice them. 

To protect your home, contact the Griffith Insurance LLP team in West Chester, PA today. We’re here to help!

Beating the Floods in West Chester, What to Expect and How to Prepare

West Chester, PA is known for being a vibrant community and proximity to the Brandywine Valley. While residents and tourists love the area, unpredictable weather patterns can cause heavy rainfall and storms that lead to costly flooding and flood damage. 

Local homeowners and business owners can protect their financial investments against flood-related losses and expensive damages by getting flood insurance. 

Insurance professionals at Griffith Insurance LLP can help you navigate murky flood waters so you and your loved ones will already know what to expect in the event of severe flooding. 

Protect Your West Chester, PA Home and Business from Heavy Rainfall and Floods

Flooding can happen anytime. Heavy rainfalls and spring thaw are factors. Floodwaters can rise quickly during periods of heavy rainfall, inundating the foundations of homes and residential streets. Pennsylvania’s homeowners can mitigate risk with an adequate flood insurance policy. 

Flood insurance policies are designed to protect the structures of buildings like foundations, walls, and roofing. Policyholders can get coverage for their personal belongings, furniture, and electronics. 

Get Flood Insurance Coverage in Pennsylvania

Each flood insurance policy will vary in coverage based on several factors related to your home or business. For example, The location and elevation of your property are factors that can affect flood insurance policy coverage.

Talking to a licensed flood insurance agent can help you make a more informed decision when choosing a new policy. Knowledgeable agents can speak to you about taking other flood prevention measures, like installing flood barriers to mitigate flood damages. 

Don’t wait until heavy rains fall, and it is too late to get coverage — Contact the insurance pros at Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA, and get a quote for flood insurance today! 

Condo Insurance for Condo Board Members: Director and Officer Liability Coverage

Condominium board members play a crucial role in managing and overseeing the affairs of their condo association. While they make decisions to benefit the community in and around West Chester, PA, their roles come with specific responsibilities and potential liabilities, and they can face legal and financial risks. 

Why Condo Board Members Need D&O Liability Insurance

  • Protection Against Legal Claims: If a board member is sued for a decision they made or an alleged wrongful act, D&O liability insurance can cover legal defense costs, settlements, or judgments.
  • Personal Asset Protection: Without D&O liability insurance, board members could be personally responsible for legal expenses and financial liabilities resulting from lawsuits. 
  • Attracting and Retaining Talent: Having D&O liability coverage in place can make it easier to attract and retain qualified individuals to serve on the condo board. 

Critical Considerations for Condo Board Members

When obtaining D&O liability insurance, condo board members should consider the following:

  • Coverage Limits: Ensure that the coverage limits are sufficient to protect against potential claims and liabilities. Coverage limits can vary, so selecting an appropriate level of protection is crucial.
  • Policy Exclusions: Review the policy to understand what is and isn’t covered. Some guidelines may have exclusions, so read carefully.
  • Legal Defense: Confirm that the policy provides coverage for legal defense costs, as these can be a significant expense in the event of a lawsuit.
  • Retroactive Date: Pay attention to the retroactive date on the policy. This is the date from which coverage begins, and it must cover any prior acts or decisions made while serving on the condo board.

Griffith Insurance LLP Can Help You

At Griffith Insurance LLP, we can help answer questions concerning condo insurance. We serve the West Chester, PA area. Contact us today. 

How Much RV Insurance Do You Really Need?

RV travel has become a popular option for many families in the U.S. because it offers the freedom to enjoy the great outdoors and the convenience of many home amenities. Like other vehicles, your RV requires insurance, and various policy options are available. At Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA, we can help you determine the right RV insurance for your individual needs.

Many Factors Affect the Cost of Your RV Insurance

Several different factors will affect the cost of your RV insurance. The age and condition of the RV are considered, as well as how often you use the RV. You may be able to save on insurance if your RV is in storage for most of the year. You may want coverage for uninsured motorists, roadside assistance, medical payments if someone is injured in an accident, or the agreed value of your RV. You may decide to increase your coverage, depending on where you go with your RV and what you generally carry when you take it on the road.

You May Need Additional Types of Coverage

States require the same liability insurance coverage for RVs as cars. But you may need additional coverage for your vehicle. If you took out a loan to purchase your RV, the financial institution will probably require collision and comprehensive coverage to protect their interest. You may also want vacation coverage if you cause or sustain damage in a campground. Using your RV as a full-time home may require additional insurance, such as total replacement cost coverage.

Personal Possessions Requires Additional Coverage

Generally, your RV insurance policy does not cover the personal possessions you keep inside the vehicle. As a result, items such as sports equipment, electronics, clothing, and other items you carry will require additional coverage in case of loss. Possession coverage can save you many thousands of dollars in replacement costs. Coverage for possession is essential for those who use their RVs as a full-time home.

Make Griffith Insurance LLP Your Agent for RV Coverage in Pennsylvania

If you’re new to RV ownership, our experienced agents can answer any questions regarding appropriate vehicle coverage. Our West Chester, PA office offers a wide range of insurance products, including for life, health, home, auto, watercraft, and business. Contact Griffith Insurance LLP today for a no-obligation quote on RV insurance so you can be assured of proper coverage for all your travel adventures.

How Renters Insurance Helps Tenants

Renter’s insurance protects tenants and their belongings in the West Chester, PA area. Understanding its advantages empowers tenants to make informed decisions and secure the necessary coverage for their belongings.

Shielding Against Legal Liabilities

Renter’s insurance includes liability coverage, which protects tenants from legal liabilities they may face. If someone is injured on the rented property or if the tenant accidentally causes damage to someone else’s property, liability coverage can help cover the associated medical expenses or property repair costs. This coverage provides tenants with financial protection against potential lawsuits and claims.

Safeguarding Belongings

One of the primary benefits of renters insurance is the protection it offers for personal belongings. In the event of theft, fire, vandalism, or other covered perils, renters insurance compensates tenants for the loss or damage of their possessions. This coverage extends beyond the boundaries of the rental property, ensuring tenants’ belongings are protected wherever they may be.

Assisting During Temporary Relocation

Renter’s insurance often covers additional living expenses if a rental property becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event, such as a fire or natural disaster. This coverage helps tenants cover the costs of temporary accommodation, meals, and other necessary expenses while their rental unit is being repaired or restored. It provides financial assistance and ensures tenants maintain living standards during challenging times.

Covering Minor Injuries

The renter’s insurance may include coverage for medical payments. If someone sustains minor injuries on the property, this coverage can help with medical expenses, regardless of fault. It provides a safety net and demonstrates the tenant’s commitment to the well-being of guests or visitors.

How Griffith Insurance LLP Can Help You

At Griffith Insurance LLP, we can answer all your questions concerning renters’ insurance coverage. We assist the West Chester, PA region. Contact us today

Questions to ask when looking at life insurance

Choosing the right type and amount of life insurance can be time-consuming and stressful. You may have many questions, and an independent insurance agent who can guide you is essential. At Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA, we will do all the legwork for you and present you with the best coverage at the best price. 

Should I get whole life or term insurance?

What type of life insurance you should buy depends on what you want from your life insurance. If you strictly want protection, term life insurance is the most affordable. If you want to earn dividends and have a policy that lasts forever and is part of a long-term financial plan, then whole life insurance is what you want. 

Can you get life insurance without a physical exam?

Yes, you can, but it will not be the best way to get the most for your money. Whole life insurance doesn’t require a physical exam/ Some companies offer limited-term life coverage without a physical exam. 

Can your life insurance be canceled?

For the most part, there are only two reasons that could result in canceling your life insurance policy, lying on the application and nonpayment. It would be best if you answered all the questions truthfully. If it is discovered that you lied, your policy will be canceled, and it could also mean the death benefit will not be paid out. If you are having financial problems, and can’t pay your premium, call your carrier and see if you can make arrangements that would allow you to keep your policy, it is worth a try. 

Contact our West Chester, PA office, and let the Griffith Insurance LLP team help you get the right life insurance coverage for you and your dependents. 

Questions to ask when looking at life insurance

Choosing the right type and amount of life insurance can be time-consuming and stressful. You may have many questions, and an independent insurance agent who can guide you is essential. At Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA, we will do all the legwork for you and present you with the best coverage at the best price. 

Should I get whole life or term insurance?

What type of life insurance you should buy depends on what you want from your life insurance. If you strictly want protection, term life insurance is the most affordable. If you want to earn dividends and have a policy that lasts forever and is part of a long-term financial plan, then whole life insurance is what you want. 

Can you get life insurance without a physical exam?

Yes, you can, but it will not be the best way to get the most for your money. Whole life insurance doesn’t require a physical exam/ Some companies offer limited-term life coverage without a physical exam. 

Can your life insurance be canceled?

For the most part, there are only two reasons that could result in canceling your life insurance policy, lying on the application and nonpayment. It would be best if you answered all the questions truthfully. If it is discovered that you lied, your policy will be canceled, and it could also mean the death benefit will not be paid out. If you are having financial problems, and can’t pay your premium, call your carrier and see if you can make arrangements that would allow you to keep your policy, it is worth a try. 

Contact our West Chester, PA office, and let the Griffith Insurance LLP team help you get the right life insurance coverage for you and your dependents. 

The importance of wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle

Wearing a helmet is one of the most important safety measures anyone can take when riding a motorcycle here in the West Chester, PA area. A helmet protects from head injuries in case of an accident or unexpected impact. It also acts as a barrier against debris, wind, rain, and other elements that could cause injury or discomfort. Wearing a helmet not only ensures your safety but is also required by law in many places. At Griffith Insurance LLP, we recommend one for everyone.

Riding without a helmet increases the risk of severe or fatal head injuries. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), helmets are estimated to be up to 37% effective in preventing fatalities and up to 67% effective in preventing brain injuries among riders involved in motor vehicle accidents. Additionally, someone wearing a helmet is much more likely to survive an accident than someone who isn’t wearing one. 

The bottom line is that anyone who rides a motorcycle should always wear a helmet. Not only is it legally required in many areas, but it also provides essential protection for your head should you ever find yourself in an unpleasant situation while on the road. Wearing a helmet can save your life; ensure you never leave home without yours!

For more motorcycle safety tips or to explore a policy to cover your motorcycle, call us at Griffith Insurance LLP today. We proudly serve the West Chester, PA area and would be glad to help you find a policy that meets your needs and budget.

Boat Insurance Common Myths Explained

There are facts and myths about many topics in life, including insurance. If you have looked into boat insurance, you have probably encountered some myths people seem to believe. Read on to find out some common myths and the facts that go along with them.

My homeowner’s policy covers my boat.

Home insurance only covers a very limited amount. Your home insurance policy only covers your boat when stored at your home. It doesn’t cover anything that comes from a collision or liability. If you get into an accident, your home insurance will not cover any of the costs related to the accident.

Boat insurance is universal.

Unlike other types of insurance, boat insurance is not universal. Most insurance companies will ask where you will be using your boat because some insurance policies have specific limits on where you can and can’t use it. If you take your boat somewhere that the insurance policy doesn’t cover, you will have to pay for the damage out of your pocket, defeating the whole purpose of boat insurance.

My auto-driving record doesn’t affect my boat insurance premium

Contrary to popular belief, your driving record does have an impact on your boat insurance. However, it does not affect your boat insurance in the way you might think. Insurance companies look at your driving record, and if it shows too many incidences of tickets, drugs, alcohol, etc., then they might decide not to insure your boat due to the risk.

Contact Griffith Insurance LP

If you want to get your boat insured, contact us at Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA for a quote today.