Commercial Flood Insurance: What Does it Cover?

Understanding Commercial Flood Insurance in West Chester, PA

West Chester, PA is no stranger to flooding. As a local business owner, you can protect yourself with the right commercial flood insurance policy. A clear understanding of what is and isn’t covered by flood insurance can help you save potentially thousands of dollars over time. This can be the difference between a resilient, successful business and one that struggles in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

Coverage Offered by a Commercial Flood Insurance Policy

There are two types of commercial flood insurance. The first type covers your building structure. This includes the four walls, the ceiling, and the integral components like plumbing, electrical wiring, and your HVAC unit. The second type of coverage compensates you if the contents of a building are damaged due to flooding. Both types of coverage have policy limits. If your business premises include expensive commodities, you may need to consider an umbrella policy.

Exceptions to Commercial Flood Insurance

Commercial flood insurance doesn’t provide compensation for income lost due to flooding, cover commercial vehicles on the business premises, or the cost of replacing valuable papers that were lost or damaged in the flood. It also doesn’t cover pre-existing damage. For example, if an insurance adjuster finds pre-existing damage to your flooring during the investigation, it may affect your compensation.

Reliable Flood Insurance from Griffith Insurance LLP

Griffith Insurance LLP is a full-service, independent insurance agency. We specialize in assisting business owners in and around West Chester with affordable insurance. If you wish to learn more about flood insurance or our other commercial insurance policies, please contact us at your convenience to ask questions or receive price quotes.

My Employee Slipped on the Floor, Now What Do I Do?

You did everything you could. You showed your employees the training video. You put up warning signs (or at least told someone to do it.) You did everything OSHA told you to do. But it happened anyway. An employee slipped up on the job and got hurt. Fortunately, you did the smart thing and took out a commercial insurance policy. Now what? 

See To Everyone’s Safety

First things first. Check on your employee immediately. If it’s an emergency, call 911. A small injury can be treated with a bit of first aid. You would be wise to keep a first aid kit on the premises. You may also have to contact OSHA. If it is severe enough to require hospitalization, you have 24 hours to contact OSHA. You’ll have to make sure none of your other employees can get hurt by having them move somewhere safer.

What To Do Now

Once everyone is safe, you need to review the situation to see what caused it and whether you should file an injury claim. Document the injury with photos and witness testimony. Keep communication open and honest. Your employee might file a worker’s compensation claim if the injury requires medical treatment or time away from work. Commercial insurance will help you make worker’s compensation payments. Once you’ve done everything you need to do for OSHA, you can contact your insurance provider to walk you through what you need to do next. You may be asked for the aforementioned documentation of the injury. 

Contact Griffith Insurance LLP Serving West Chester, PA

If you are in the West Chester, PA area and are in need of commercial insurance, please get in touch with Griffith Insurance LLP. Our knowledgeable and courteous agents are ready to help you.

What Type of Insurance Should Online Businesses Invest In?

When running an online business in West Chester, PA, having the right insurance coverage is essential for protecting against potential risks. Business insurance, also known as commercial insurance, from Griffith Insurance LLP helps safeguard businesses from various claims and other common issues small business owners face. Without insurance, a company could be responsible for paying out of pocket for any claims.

General Liability & Product Liability

For online businesses, general liability and product liability coverage are good options to start with. General liability insurance protects businesses from bodily injury or property damage claims resulting from their operations or products. Product liability insurance can safeguard a business from legal action and compensate customers for injuries sustained or property damaged due to defective products.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is another essential type of coverage for online businesses as it can cover legal costs if a customer sues due to a mistake in professional services provided to them. Additionally, you may need workers’ compensation insurance to cover employee injuries that occur while working. For those who use their cars for business, commercial auto insurance can provide additional protection in the case of a car accident.

Cyber Insurance

Data breach insurance and cyber liability insurance can also benefit online businesses that store sensitive customer information. These coverages can help your business respond to a data breach and cover associated costs.

Griffith Insurance LLP of West Chester, PA offers a wide range of commercial insurance solutions for businesses in the United States. Our experienced professionals will work closely with you to ensure you have the right coverage to protect your business. Contact us today to discover more!

Is commercial insurance in West Chester a good investment?

Owning a business can be a dream come true—a great career option for those in the West Chester, PA area. When starting a business in this region of the state, having the correct insurance for it is necessary. Commercial insurance is an excellent form of coverage to consider, which can be an ideal investment for a business for various reasons. 

Protect Business Assets

An important reason for any business owner in this part of the state to have commercial insurance is to protect their assets. If you want to build your business here, you will need equipment, inventory, and other assets to get the industry moving in the right direction. If you carry a full commercial insurance policy, you will have the coverage necessary to protect these assets. 

Ensure Business is in Compliance

Having commercial insurance to ensure your business complies is also a good idea. To start a business, you will need to raise capital and sign other important agreements. Most of these agreements require you to carry insurance to protect the company. Maintaining commercial insurance at all times will keep you in good standing with such agreements. 

If you are a business owner in the West Chester, PA area, it would be imperative for you to have the right insurance for your company. An important form of coverage that all people here need to consider getting is commercial insurance, and the team with Griffith Insurance LLP can help you build a plan. Griffith Insurance LLP knows the value of commercial coverage and can help business owners build an ideal policy that protects their business. 

Why Your Business Needs Commercial Insurance in Pennsylvania

If you own a business in West Chester, PA, commercial insurance is an essential piece of your company’s ability to survive, thrive, grow, and expand in the coming years. The team at Griffith Insurance LLP is excited to share all about our commercial insurance options and what the coverage can offer your business to find prosperity and success. 

While Pennsylvania does require businesses to carry commercial insurance in order to legally do business in the state, the reasons for investing in a commercial insurance plan run much deeper than state requirements. Insurance protects your business from financial ruin, protects your assets in the event that they are damaged or stolen, protects your brick and mortar location in the event of weather damage or vandalism… and that’s just to name a few. 

Establishing a credible business takes time and effort, patience and money – the things you spend a lot of time nurturing deserve the best protection possible. Starting a business and making it a successful endeavor will be one of your life’s greatest accomplishments, and Griffith Insurance LLP would be honored to play a small part in your success. 

We know commercial insurance can be confusing and overwhelming, but our agents are here to help. We have years of experience working with businesses of all sizes in the area to find a policy that suits the needs of your business where it is now, while also allowing you to plan for future growth and success. 

If you need a quality insurance plan for your business that will properly protect your assets, employees, reputation, and financial freedom, contact us today. We’ll do our best to work alongside your company until all the boxes are checked. Contact us if you’re in West Chester, PA! 

Commercial Insurance for Traveling Shows: What You Need

Being a touring company is a fascinating field that can be very financially rewarding. However, Griffith Insurance LLP knows that West Chester, PA traveling shows need a lot of commercial insurance protection to stay safe. Here’s what you need to know about your options here.

Touring Professional Insurance 

If you’re part of a traveling show or a manager of one, you need to get insurance to help protect your investment. These policies bundle together multiple types of coverage options to make sure that everything is handled. Depending on your show, your protection needs will naturally vary. 

For example, do you have a lot of musical equipment that could be expensive to replace if stolen? This policy will have you covered. What about liability for your performers and guests? You can also get protection by adjusting your policy to meet these unique needs and demands. 

It can also protect your equipment for travelings, such as your trucks and trailers, though you may need specialized commercial insurance for some vehicles. Talk to your agent to learn more about what is covered and what is not, as this may vary based on your company and your needs. 

Just as importantly, this type of policy can help to keep your employees paid if you run into any loss of income situations. Did your gig get canceled, and do you still need to eat? Touring insurance may help you, as long as the funds are available, and you do not cause the loss of the gig. 

Get the Policy You Need 

If you’re a touring company that wants to protect itself from serious financial struggles, it is important to talk to us at Griffith Insurance LLP right away to learn more. Our team of professionals will do what they can to ensure that your West Chester, PA company remains solvent. 

Required Commercial Insurance Policies in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, businesses are required to have two different commercial insurance policies in most cases. These policies are required to legally do business in Pennsylvania, but other commercial insurance types are recommended for businesses of every size. If you need commercial insurance, contact us at Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA to find out more about these policies. 

Commercial Auto Coverage

As many do, if your business owns a car, it cannot be covered by a personal auto insurance policy. It must have a commercial auto insurance policy in place. This comes with specific minimum coverage amounts for liability for bodily injury for one person as well as a different amount of bodily injury liability for everyone injured or killed in the accident. This insurance must also have a specific minimum amount of coverage for any property damage you are liable for. A specific amount for medical benefits is also required. These minimum amounts are relatively small, and getting more insurance coverage is often recommended for businesses. 

Workers’ Compensation Coverage

If your business has any employees who are not business owners, each of these has to be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. This type of coverage covers your liability for medical bills if the employee should get sick or injured while at work. It is protection for the business, as it pays out those bills you’re liable for. It also protects the employees, as it provides money for their medical bills if they should become sick or injured.

Get Your Commercial Insurance

If you own a business, it should never be without its required insurance. The risk of lawsuits and sky-high medical bills is too much. If you need commercial insurance policies, call us at Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA to get started.

How does commercial insurance protect a Pennsylvania business?

One dream that a lot of people have is to eventually start and run their own small business. If you do have a small business, finding the right location to operate out of is very important. One market that can be a great option is in and around West Chester, PA. If you do have a business in this area, it is important that you cover it properly with commercial insurance as it can protect you and your business in many ways.

Provide Coverage for Asset Investments

While there is a lot of hard work that goes into starting a small business, there is also often a big investment requirement. One type of investment that you may eventually need to make could be the purchase of new inventory or other business assets. If these were to be lost in a fire or to bad weather, it could be a big setback. Because of this risk, you need to get commercial insurance to protect your assets and investment.

Will Give you Coverage for Liability

No matter how great of service you provide, a small business owner is always going to be at risk for liability. Due to this continued risk, you need to make sure that you are properly covering your business with commercial insurance. When you have commercial insurance in place, you will receive the necessary liability coverage that is needed to give you peace of mind. 

Before you start your company in the West Chester, PA area, you should call Griffith Insurance LLP. The insurance team at Griffith Insurance LLP can help you to find a commercial insurance policy that gives you both the necessary asset and liability insurance coverage. This will provide you and your business with great coverage that properly protects against a variety of different risks.